This project is part of a large national program, initiated by the Cameroon Water Utilities Corporation (CAMWATER) since 2009, for the modernization of water infrastructures in urban and peri-urban areas to raise the access rate to drinking water. from less than 35% at the time to 60% in 2015 and 80% by 2020.
For Yaounde, the drinking water needs of its population (about 2 000 000 inhabitants), currently exceed 300 000 m3 / day, while the existing Akomnyada station which supplies the city produces only 100,000 m3 / day. The mission of SCET-TUNISIE is the rehabilitation of the Yaoundé drinking water initial complex (Mefou-Messa complex) and the rehabilitation and extension of the city's distribution network.
Our mission
- Detailed design
- Environmental and Social Management Plan
- Tender documents
- Assistance to the client during the procurement process
- Supervision of works